Tag: crime and the forces of evil
A little STOMPY for your Friday!
When I commit acts of musical fandom, I learn tunes (and have a tendency to pester fiddle and flute players). When Dara commits acts of musical fandom, major cities are leveled and the Cascadia Mecha Militia is deployed! Ladies and gentlemen, mesdames et messieurs, I give you my belovedest supervillain’s latest composition: Kaiju Meat, her…
A bit of musical squee!
And now, several moments of musical squee from last night! In a move that should surprise absolutely NOBODY who pays attention to what I post for more than five minutes running, a little part of my brain demanded last night, “YOU NEED TO FIGURE OUT THE CHORDS TO VIVE L’AMOUR NOW.” Because y’all knew this…
Further arrangements for the Canadian Adventure!
Just snagged weekend passes for Dara and me to the Newfoundland & Labrador Folk Festival, the big festival that was our main reason for going to St. John’s to begin with–even if we’ll be skipping out on it on August 4th to scamper up to Torbay for Great Big Sea instead.
We figured screw…