Category: Valor of the Healer
The challenge before you: name this mammoth!
I will be doing a full weekend report when I get back to an actual keyboard, but for the time being I must report that Dara and I did in fact make it to the Royal BC museum in downtown Victoria. We did not do it nearly enough justice, considering how little time we spent…
Blogging at Here Be Magic today!
Hey folks! Surfacing from Norwescon long enough to report that my very first contribution to the Here Be Magic blog has gone up today! I’m being relaxed and groovy, and talking a bit about Valor of the Healer as well as Faerie Blood, and mentioning a few of the ways I’m shooting for equality and…
No Nanowrimo for me this year
Because I’m in crunch mode at work and that’s likely to overlap at least a little into the beginning of the month, and also, because beating Lament of the Dove into proper shape for re-submission to Carina Press is of highest priority for me and the writings right now. ‘Sides, you guys wouldn’t want me…
Lament of the Dove status report
Y’all know how I mentioned the scene at the beginning of Chapter 15 was destined to die? Well, I killed it–and added in a bit of extra content in the new first scene of the chapter, tying a bit more in to how the previous one closed. This means that all told I’ve killed nearly…
Quick beta reading update
Beta readers who aren’t done looking at Lament of the Dove yet, just so y’all know, the Great Word Count Reduction Pass (read: the fifth draft) is currently on Chapter 15. It’ll be a bit yet before I finish so you still have time to get me your feedback. If you feel hard-pressed for time,…
Beta readers for Lament, check in?
Three of you have checked in with me, but I haven’t heard from the other five…? (Many thanks to and and for keeping me apprised of your various levels of ability to deal with the reading, I much appreciate the updates!) As an FYI to y’all reading, I’m currently in chapter 9 of the word…
Reminder to beta readers
It’s the 21st and if possible I’d like to start hardcore revisions in October, so if you can get me feedback by the 1st I’d very much appreciate it! (I’m still working on the word count reduction draft, having finished chapter 6 of same last night, and I hope to have that done by then.)…
Draft Five, I am serving you NOTICE
It is ON. Oh my yes. Well, not too impressively quite yet given that I’ve been smacked upside the head with a cold all weekend, but in the state of mind I’ve been in, it’s oddly easier to do a word count reduction pass than it is to write actual new content. Which means of…
Other formats available for Lament of the Dove beta readers
very kindly created an EPUB format file for me today out of the fourth draft manuscript, and I completely forgot to mention that made a PRC file for me at one point. Many thanks go out to both of these nice folks for this assistance! And, either file should then be convertible in Calibre or…
More on the revise and resubmit
Ha, glancing back at the big revise and resubmit post, I realized I actually didn’t say what the editor’s big issue with the story structure was. Oops. Clearly, the post needed an edit pass.
Anyway, I’d said that the structure of the The Dove, the Rook, and the Hawk is supposed to be “one…