Acquired in print from Norwescon:
- Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Novelization, by A.C.H. Smith. This is a special hardback re-release of the original novelization of the movie, with illustrations by Brian Froud. To which I went, WANT, so yeah.
- The Wild Girls, by Ursula K. Le Guin; The Science of Herself, by Karen Joy Fowler; and Report from Planet Midnight, by Nalo Hopkinson. Bought from PM Press in their Outspoken Authors series.
- The Warrior Who Carried Life, by Geoff Ryman. This was a freebie in the Norwescon swag bags.
- The Second Ship, by Richard Phillips. Another freebie from Norwescon swag.
Acquired in ebook form from B&N:
- Luna: La vengeance des elfes noirs, by Élodie Tirel. Book 2 of her Luna series, picked up since I finally made it through book one. More reading in French, woo!
- Fugitives from Earth, by Brad Wheeler. SF. I’ve got this in trade already from fellow NIWA member Brad Wheeler, but I grabbed the ebook too now that I’ve met Brad–and having it in ebook will bump up the likelihood that I’ll read it faster.
- An Eighty Percent Solution, by Thomas Gondolfi. SF with some magic involved, grabbed because I chatted with the author at Norwescon and it was fun to basically go ‘okay, tell me about your book’!
- Thomas Riley, by Nick Valentino. Steampunk. Another Norwescon-inspired purchase, from talking directly to the author.
- Insomnium, by Zachary Bonelli. Alternate-universe SF, and my third Norwescon-inspired purchase, following chatting with the author along the indie tables outside the dealers’ room.
- Other Systems, by Elizabeth Guizzetti. Again, SF, and the last of my Norwescon-inspired purchases.
Acquired in ebook from Kobo:
- Valour and Vanity, by Mary Robinette Kowal. Pre-ordered, the latest in her Glamourist series.
And last but not least, acquired in print from B&N:
- William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: Verily, a New Hope, and William Shakespeare’s Star Wars: The Empire Striketh Back, by Ian Doescher. Pretty much what it says on the tin, here–these are the author’s adaptations of the stories of the original Star Wars trilogy into Shakespearean-style play format. And I’ve already read ’em at this point and can attest that they’re quite delightful! Very much looking forward to The Jedi Doth Return now, coming out later this summer.
52 for the year.
4 responses to “An I have no brain but I do have new books book roundup”
Ellen Eades liked this on Facebook.
So you bought An Eighty Percent Solution, by Thomas Gondolfi, but did you read it and / or enjoy it? Inquiring minds want to know.
Hope to see you at future cons!
I haven’t read it yet, but I will post about it when I do! Thanks for stopping by!
And I can always be found at Norwescon–my wife Dara runs the music track and I’m generally always helping her with that. We may be showing up at Orycon this year but don’t know yet. And we’ll be going to VCON in Vancouver this fall!
Ellen Eades liked this on Facebook.