The folks at Action Audio have a partnership going with Drollerie Press to do audio editions of our bigger-selling titles–and apparently it’s now Faerie Blood‘s turn to go audio! I’ve been emailed by a gentleman asking me for pronunciations on various and sundry unusual names and phrases all over the book, and I’ve fired him back a list of notes that hopefully will be helpful!
It’s also super-helpful to be able to point at a nice audio snippet of Bob Hallett of Great Big Sea on a radio show about Newfoundland ghost stories, and say ‘this guy? My hero should have his accent’. (Of course, now I totally want to hear that entire radio show. I’ll have to see if I can find it.)
Anyway, so this is exciting and stuff; sometime soon there should be audio Faerie Blood goodness, and I shall be making inquiries as to whether I’ll be able to maybe set aside a copy to hand out in another little contest of some sort. Watch this space for updates as they happen.
Meanwhile, for the interested, the other Drollerie titles that exist in audio form are:
- ‘s The Rose of Shanhasson
- Rachael de Vienne’s Pixie Warrior
- John Rosenman’s Alien Dreams
- Gary Inbinder’s Confessions of the Creature
If audio books are your thing, you might consider checking these out!
2 responses to “This just in: Faerie Blood audiobook”
Congrats Angela! I really enjoyed Faerie Blood and I’m an avid audiobook lover so I’ll be keeping an eye out for this!
Thank you very much! I’m hoping the audiobook will be suitably awesome.