Dara pointed me at this tumblr that has a brand spanking new helping of excerpts off the SFF.net forums, with snark directed at “the Young” in general and at Mary Robinette Kowal in particular. I particularly note the parts dismissing “the Young” as “incapable of independent thought” and asserting how we’re probably all pirating C.J. Cherryh’s books anyway. And the parts accusing Ms. Kowal of being a hypocrite due to her wardrobe choices in pictures on her site and when she attends science fiction conventions–because, of course, a woman couldn’t possibly be really interested in feminism if she dresses in any manner whatsoever that might approach making her conventionally attractive, right?
Now, I could point out that if you are of the mind that people who aren’t in your organization shouldn’t be commenting on the Internet about your organization’s activities, you might want to avoid posting things on publicly-readable forums. Or on Facebook. Which, last I checked, is part of the Internet.
And I could point out that criticizing a feminist for her wardrobe choices is yet another belittling, demeaning tactic, similar to attacking her for inflammatory language, meant to distract from her actual points.
I could even point out that dismissing an entire segment of people who disagree with you as “the Young” is perhaps not the wisest of strategies, because it’ll inevitably lead to our deploying this and this and this.
But mostly I’m just looking at the bit on that tumblr that snarks on Jim Hines’ cover parodies as making SFWA look “silly”, and all I can think is, um, actually, no folks, you’re doing that all by yourselves.
But what do I know? I’m just “the Young”.
P.S. Yikes, the Daily Dot linked to me in their post about this SFWA flap. Hi, people coming over from the Daily Dot! For those of you who may have missed it, their earlier writeup about all this is over here.
ETA: BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! I saw John Scalzi put this post up tonight, and really, there’s nothing I can add to that, because it pretty much speaks for itself.
I’ll also point out Cora Buhlert’s commentary here, noting other commentary I hadn’t found yet, and expressing her general bemusement over the whole thing.
Also, this post over here called “Sci-Fi and Sexism”, by blogger and reviewer Mandaray, addresses exactly why this kind of thing needs to keep getting discussed–because the sexism in SF/F as she was growing up kept putting her off the genre.
ETA #2: Dara has her own next post up now, addressing how, hilarity aside, there’s more being lost here.
16 responses to “No wait, not done yet after all”
wish it were clearer that SFFNet is not a SFWA site. I was a member long, long ago and followed author specific groups. Haven’t looked at it in recent years until just now.
Anyway, it makes me sad that a fraction of actualy SFWA members are doing their best to make the entirety of SFWA seem like a clamoring pool of yammerheads.
Fair call re: sff.net–thanks for calling that out. I didn’t actually know myself that it wasn’t SFWA-affiliated.
And yeah, I’ve seen SFWA members facepalming hard, seriously concerned about how all of this ongoing da-fuckery is making them look like a joke.
Terri Barger liked this on Facebook.
Carrie Thomson liked this on Facebook.
Dara Korra’ti liked this on Facebook.
Wait, what makes you think you’re “the Young”?
Well, not me in particular, to be clear. More a case of writers who happen to be in our age group, e.g., Scalzi, Hines, Kowal.
I used to think I was “the Young”, but my aching back and failing vision beg to differ.
*snerk* My knees point out that your argument is legit.
I will assume your knee problem is not in any way related to an arrow.
“I used to be a writer like you…”
[…] You think this whole SFWA petition flap is over, and then, whelp, the goofy just ramps right back up. […]
No wait, not done yet after all | http://t.co/3qUS2nWaCI: http://t.co/D8pommFVsu
I’m 52 this September. Do I still count as “the young” or do I have to go and get my cane issued before I’ll be allowed to have an opinion in all this?
Fair question! It IS unclear as to whether one has to be in possession of a cane and a license to use the word “whippersnapper” before one can have a proper opinion.
[…] Angela Highland has her own extensive comments on Mary Robinette Kowal, and follows it up with a big linkpost here, with additional […]