I got the call this morning from the RN at Evergreen’s breast center, who told me that the results are clean, and that they are likely just the results of passing benign cysts that just sometimes happen in breast tissue.

I told her she’d just handed me one HELL of a birthday present and thanked her profusely. :~) You guys, I don’t even WORDS for how relieved I am, and I’m a goddamn novelist. Coming up with words is what I do!






7 responses to “This just in: the biopsy results are GOOD”

  1. Stickmaker Avatar

    Yay! Lots of Snoopy dancin’ going on, I’m sure. 🙂

    1. annathepiper Avatar

      There was indeed! (Belated answer, just wanted to note that I got this comment!)

  2. […] you do not have the words to properly express your relief at awesome medical news, screw words, go straight to KITCHEN PARTY IN YOUR HEAD! This is exactly how the inside of my head […]

  3. Sarah Avery Avatar

    Oh, thank goodness! I was just drafting the belated signal boost blog post for your Faerie Blood sale and came by to see if there was news. Such news!

    1. annathepiper Avatar

      Thank you so much, Sarah! 😀 I did in fact get a sale from your signal boost!

      And such news indeed! Very, VERY relieved at the Murkworks!

  4. Libertarian soldier Avatar
    Libertarian soldier

    Great news and congratulations